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Journal 3: Watercolor

One medium I had not really touched upon before was watercolor. I’d always kind of been scared of it to be quite frank. Any previous halfhearted attempts would always end up with soggy paper and would dry into a wavy stiff sheet with watered out pigmentation in splotches on the surface. In other words, I had no idea what I was doing, and everything just didn’t look right. So I avoided the medium altogether. However, I had constantly seen these beautiful watercolor paintings and there just seemed so much that you could do with watercolor and if you were familiar with it you could get an array of tones and levels of translucency, something I had never been able to achieve before. I decided to start playing around with watercolors, mainly drawings done in pen first and then watercolor done over that, and every time I started, I would think wow, I just ruined a perfectly good pen drawing. The first few attempts were not good either too little water or too much water or just not knowing how to control the brush with the fact that too much pressure would cause water to come oozing out and puddle on the page. The first few drawings ended up as lifeless blobs, but I think I have gotten a bit better and know how to control the brush more. I’ve really enjoyed working with the medium so far, so I think I want to incorporate some watercolor pieces into this year’s project.

© julia liu emc 2017-2018

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