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Journal 2: Beginning Ideas

This year, I want to be more organized. Last year, my project was all over the place. I went in wanting to accomplish a lot and had various ideas and approaches regarding what I wanted to do, but throughout the course of the year, my plans changed and I didn’t necessarily accomplish what I wanted to accomplish. I thought it would be easier to have it not as structured so I wouldn’t have to feel restricted, but I think that became more of a drawback than encouraging me to be more productive. Whether it be through some sort of a theme, either in subject matter or color or atmosphere, I think it would be better to follow some sort of guideline and structure to encourage myself to focus more and not lose motivation, which I think had a major impact on my project last year. I think having some sort of set goal instead of just doing whatever I want to do would be a better option for me. With this year’s project, I mainly want to take what I learned last year in terms of different mediums and experimenting around and apply it more.

Some goals for this year’s project

-Some sort of structure/theme

-Possible theme ideas that I’ve been thinking about since the start of last year’s project:


-Nature (water???)


-Progress pics/speed paint videos to help document process

-Attempt to journal more frequently

-Not necessarily more pieces but show process of achieving pieces? (examples: small sketches, ideas, written notes, etc.)

-Include a page or have journal entries that highlight inspiration

© julia liu emc 2017-2018

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