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Next Piece

For my next piece, I want to do something I’ve had in mind for a while. I’m going to use one of the 6” x 6” wooden blocks with oil paint again since I think that combination is my favorite to paint with. The paint dries significantly quicker than on a canvas, which enables me to work in small portions at a time instead of waiting for certain layers to dry. I want to paint two tigers in water. I’m not sure how I want to position the tigers or what colors they will be, but it is something that I’ve wanted to paint for a while (I’m not sure why though). This piece would definitely easily correspond with nature, but I am not sure how it would fit in with identity, which is why I am carefully considering how I want to place the tigers in the painting. Their position might be where I incorporate some aspect of identity, whether it be personal and more specific or kind of vague.

© julia liu emc 2017-2018

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