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SDA 3 Goal Post

For my 3rd SDA, I wanted to try something a bit different. I wanted to do something that would be interactive and include the participation of other people who may or may not be exposed to art in the way that I am. I decided to give 6 people who were interested in participating a 12x16 sheet of canvas, and gave them the time span of a week to do whatever they wanted with it. The only rules were that:

1. they could not adhere anything perishable, such as food, to the canvas

2. they were not allowed to cut any holes or change the shape and dimensions of the canvas

3. with each thing added to the canvas, an explanation must be given

I organized one day after school for people to stay after in the art room so they could use any art supplies they might have not had, but wanted to incorporate into their piece.

After the end of the week, I would collect all of the canvases, and my plan was to redistribute them and have each person get someone else's canvas and make additions to it in any way they would like and add or take away from the piece.

My end goal for this was to somehow combine each canvas and put them together, but Noah didn't read the rules and cut his canvas and turned it into a lantern, so I may change future rules and what the end product might be.

As of right now, I'm going to continue with my original plan and see how people respond to having to take what someone else has created and manipulate it. I really wanted to have people who weren't taking art classes and were not as familiar with something like this but were interested in art to try this out, and so far their reflections have been interesting in their explanations as to what they've created and quite thoughtful which I wasn't expecting.

Sadie's canvas

Febronia's canvas

Sayeed's canvas

Bott's canvas

Silma's canvas

© julia liu emc 2017-2018

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