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Goal Post

For emc this year, I mainly had 2 goals in mind based off of last year's project and what was good about it and what wasn't.

My main objectives were:

1. To not lose motivation. While doing last year's project I felt very lost and didn't really have a direction due to a combination of lack of motivation and procrastination since I wasn't clear on what I wanted to do and ended the year just kind of exploring different mediums.

2. Have some sort of end goal or final product in mind.

While I think I started the project off strong with my motivation at an all time high, tons of ideas circulating my mind, and just wanting to be productive and to make the most out of taking emc this year, I kind of lost steam along the way. Now, it is March, and as senioritis has taken its toll, my motivation for emc has also been dwindling.

However, this time I have a tangible end goal. Kind of.

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about what I want to get out of this year/emc in general, what type of art I want to produce and how it reflects me as a person, my interest and passion in art, and what it means for me to possibly not pursue an art related path in college. And these thoughts have made me want to be productive and do something that I genuinely like for the end goal/piece/exhibition of this project.

As of right now, I'm painting various foods. Each food painting will be in a different style to showcase the different textures and consistencies of the food. Currently, I am working on sushi and waffles. Separately, of course, since that would be a gross food combination if they were to be put together. The waffles aren't looking too great right now, but I've inserted a picture of what the sushi looks like as of right now. I wanted it to be simpler and more graphic, no distracting backgrounds or useless objects to take up space. Just the sushi with a bit of highlights and shadows to show slight dimension and a plain blue background.

I've been thinking more about my final product, and I don't want it to just be paintings of food. I want to do more than that, whether it be with digital art, colored pencils, or oil paint. However, I am not 100% sure if I will still follow the themes of nature and identity. I'm sure they will be embedded into the pieces in some way, but the pieces won't be created explicitly to fulfill that prompt. I think it will be a bit more natural. I think as an end goal I just want to create a collection of pieces that make me happy and that I am proud of.

In addition to displaying these pieces in some type of way, I went back to thinking about the idea of immersive or interactive art, and if possible, I'd like to integrate some aspect of that into the symposium. Maybe have the parents try to paint or something. Not sure where exactly I'm going with that but I think art is always more fun and creative when it is collaborative and immersive.

With that said, I'll really need to crank out some pieces over spring break. I think right now I just have a lot of ideas and I spend too much thinking about them instead of putting in the action to execute them.

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